
Antonio Jordá has extensive experience in labour law.

His professional career began in 1984 in a law firm in Tarragona and since then we can highlight, among others, his practice as a technician in Labour Relations at the Multinational level, Director of Labour relations in a bank as well as a partner in various law firms.

His professional experience in the field of Labour and Social Security Law extends to all his fields and specialties, including the litigation practice before the Social Jurisdiction, it is worth emphasizing his extensive experience in legal advice to companies on working conditions, such as, the salary and compensation structure, working hours, hiring and penalties as well as the termination of employment contracts and the corresponding compensation agreements. Also noteworthy is his extensive practice as an advisor in the field of sports.

He has participated fully in collective dismissal procedures and in all kinds of negotiations with workers’ representatives on working conditions in business restructuring processes, which include, modification of working conditions, geographic mobility, suspension of contracts, retirement processes and others.

He is a member of the Il·lustre Col·legi d’Advocats of Barcelona and Tarragona.

He has been part of the globalpacta team since 2020.

Academic background

– Law degree from the University of Barcelona.
– Master in Criminal Law, University of Barcelona.
– Master in Human Resources and Personnel Management, School of Administration and Senior Management, Barcelona.


Spanish, Catalan and French.