
Jorge Galíndez since his beginnings as a lawyer has focused especially on advising companies, accumulating experience in the commercial, financial-accounting, bankruptcy and regulatory compliance areas.

He has spent more than fifteen years combining the legal profession with the position of bankruptcy administrator, having achieved in a high percentage of cases the survival of the bankrupt company.

He is a member of the Real and Illustrious Zaragoza Bar Association since 1997.

He has been part of the globalpacta team since 2020.

Academic background

– Degree in Law. He studied at the University of Lleida.
– Master in Auditing of Accounts from the University of Zaragoza (2001-2002).
– Master’s Degree in Mountain Sports Law from the University of Zaragoza (2008-2011).
– Mediation specialist program: exercise of civil and commercial mediation activity, by the General Council of the Spanish Lawyers (2014).
– Programme Supérieur en Administration et Management des Entreprises, par EAE Business School (2015-2016).
– Higher Program in Business Administration and Management, by EAE Business School (2015-2016).
– Specialization Program in Bankruptcy Law by the Wolters Kluwer Legal School (2020).
– Advanced Program in Corporate Compliance by UNIR (2020).


“Swaps, participaciones preferentes y ética bancaria”. Revista del Real e Iltre. Colegio de Abogados de Zaragoza (2011).
“La morosidad pública y los límites al vuelva Ud. mañana”. Diario del AltoAragón, Economic section (2012).
“El drama personal de la insolvencia”. Heraldo de Aragón, La Firma-Tribuna section (2012).
“Algunas reflexiones en torno al concurso de persona física”. Revista Jurídica de Catalunya (2013).
“Regulación jurídica de la bicicleta de montaña en los ámbitos Deportivo, Turístico y Medioambiental”. Desnivel Editions (2014).
“Soluciones legales ante la insolvencia: segunda oportunidad”. Economist & Jurist (2020).
“Volver a empezar. Herramientas preconcursales, concurso de acreedores y segunda oportunidad”. Aranzadi Doctrinal Magazine (2020).


Spanish, Catalan and English.