You have made a significant investment in Spain, you can take advantage of the Spanish migration scheme for investors and Entrepreneur.
Investor Residence
An investor visa, if you are outside of Spain when the application is submitted.
A residence permit, if you are currently in Spain when submitting the application.
Residence permit period:
Financial assets
Real estate (€500,000).
Business projects
There is no minimum investment requirement, they must be of general interest:
Entrepreneur Residence
Residence Permition for non-EU national willing to start up an innovative business of particular economic interest in Spain.
Residence permition period:
There are neither minimum capital requirements nor a minimum number of jobs to create, but business plans are required to know if the activity has a special economic interest for Spain or not.
The case by case analyses is based on the decision made by business experts. The Directorate-General for International Trade and Investments.