Our Marseille law firm
Our law firm in Marseille offers a wide range of legal services, including advice in civil and commercial matters, defence in trials and pleadings, as well as in the creation and revision of covenants and legal documents. Our team is composed of lawyers accredited in various areas of law and we provide personalised and excellent quality attention to each of our clients.
Legal services offered by our law firm in France.
In order to better meet our clients’ demands for service, we have added lawyers with expertise in different areas of law, transforming us into a highly skilled multidisciplinary law firm.
Procedural law
Commercial law
Civil law
Criminal law
Employment law
Real estate law
Insolvency law
Family law
Lawyers you can trust in Marseille
Globalpacta Marseille is focused on providing a close relationship with its service users, as well as a commitment to providing excellent services. Our team of lawyers is made up of professional experts in different fields of law, with extensive experience in litigation, which gives strength to our team. We offer legal advice and legal assistance in litigation cases to individuals and companies.
Would you like us to study your situation? Contact our law firm, we can help you!
Other law firms where we offer our services.
We are specialists in these practice areas:
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